Dress to Impress

The goal is for the employer to focus their attention on your skills and qualifications. Be polished and present your best self!

Images of acceptable interview clothing. 
Top row (from left to right): Black blazer, black slacks, yellow sweater, navy blazer
Middle row (from left to right): White button down shirt, plaid tie, gray skirt, gray slacks
Bottom row (from left to right): Beige khakis, brown belt, brown dress shoes, wrist watch, black flats, patterned heels

Professional Attire:

Suits or blazers with ties are encouraged! (especially for interviewing)

No transparent blouses.

Shirts are tucked in.

Minimal jewelry, accessories, and make-up.

Dress pants (slacks) or khakis are acceptable.

Clothes are wrinkle-free! Knee length skirt or dress.

Dress shoes, loafers, flats, or 1-2 inch heels.

All shoes are closed toe.

Leggings are not pants.

Style your hair away from your face.

Avoid these when dressing for a professional interaction:

Jeans – unless your only option – if so, wear dark colors with no holes/tears/signs of wear, paired with a dress shirt or blouse)


T Shirts



Perfumes and colognes 4+ inch heels

Torn or wrinkled clothing \

Sheer, mesh, or transparent fabrics

Images of items that are not acceptable for an interview.
Top row (from left to right): Gray t-shirt, blue athletic shorts, perfume bottle 
Bottom row (from left to right): Light wash jeans, black sneakers, black flip flops