Here are a number of resources that can help you throughout your interviewing process. Check out our blog for articles from the staff about preparing for a co-op or job search.



Commonly Asked Interview Questions for Co-op


Navigating Job Offers

It can be complicated to navigate job offers and decide what to commit to when you have been interviewing at …

LinkedIn Guide

LinkedIn is a social media networking site that allows people to connect with colleagues, peers, and industry professionals. Individuals highlight …

Job Search & Networking

Searching and applying for jobs takes patience and perseverance. Networking can increase your opportunities and decrease the time you spend …

How to Talk about Pay

Congratulations on the job offer! This is an opportunity to understand the offer, prioritize, and learn to advocate for yourself, …

Interview Prep

Congratulations on landing an interview! This means the employer wants to discuss your skills and qualifications further to find out …

News and Advice

Explore the latest news, advice, industry insights,

and tips for scoring your dream job and advancing your career.



Please let us know by registering on LeopardWeb and reporting your hire through WITworks. International students who secure mandatory co-ops must follow instructions on the reporting and work authorization process.