How folks identify influences our experiences and shapes our lives. Co-ops & Careers supports Wentworth students and alumni of all identities and urges employers  and colleagues to consider how intersecting identities impact the workplace and professional development. Students, alumni, and employers will find below resources to support efforts around combating bias and building an inclusive workplace culture.

For a listing of identify specific resources and organizations, please refer to the respective pages within the Work & Identity section.

Resources for Employees

Harassment in the Workplace
What is harassment and what you can do if you experience or witness harassment.

Career advice blogs and top 50 noteworthy companies excelling at human capital diversity metrics, leadership accountability, talent programs, workplace practices, supplier diversity, and philanthropy.

How to Tell If a Company’s Culture Is Right for You
Tips before accepting an offer.

Confronting Bias: Thriving Across Our Differences
How to interact with others across differences.

Confronting Prejudice: How to Protect Yourself and Help Others
Use this guide to understand where prejudice comes from, what it looks like, and how you can help others experiencing it.

GenY on D&I
Blog series focused on Diversity and Inclusion.

Answering Your Questions on Race in the Workplace
How you can advocate for racial equity if not in a position of leadership.

Confronting Racism at Work
A reading list curated by the Harvard Business Review.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Outlining unlawful employment practices on the basis of racial discrimination.

Protections Against Discrimination and Other Prohibited Practices
Including Title VII, Equal Pay Act of 1963 and other laws enforced by the EEOC or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Workforce Diversity For Engineering And IT Professionals Magazine
Established in 1994, this is the first magazine published for the professional, diversified high-tech workforce, which encompasses everyone, including women, members of minority groups, people with disabilities, and non-disabled white males to advance in the diversified working community.

Resources for Employers

We encourage you to review each identity page under Identity at Work, but here are resources specifically for you:

Decolonizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work: Corporate “D&I Speak”
Terms and phrases common in DE&I discussion defined and decolonized by Mary-Frances Winters.

The Bias of ‘Professionalism’ Standards
How to counter the origins and implementations of white and Western professionalism standards by Aysa Gray.

Diversity management tools, news and noteworthy companies excelling at human capital diversity metrics, leadership accountability, talent programs, workplace practices, supplier diversity, and philanthropy.

How to Begin Talking About Race in the Workplace
Framework for management to begin the conversation.

Being Antiracist
Defining racism and how to fight against it.

Addressing Race and Racism in the Workplace
Understanding and increasing your organization’s capacity to engage in bold and inclusive conversations.

Improving Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace
Definitions and process building.

Racial Equity Tools Glossary
Definitions to reached shared understanding in discussions on race.

Answering Your Questions on Race in the Workplace
Answers to questions including how to support employees of color and how can white supervisors advocate and make space for their brown and black staff.

Race/Color Discrimination
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s list of definitions about Race/Color discrimination.

5 Ways to Address Racial Oppression in The Workplace
Ways to hold everyone in your workplace accountable.

The Benefits of Cultural Diversity in The Workplace
And successfully implementing a cultural diversity plan.

Victoria Alexander’s Anti-racism Resource Guide
Expanding understanding of anti-racism and how to combat racism.

How Should You Be Talking with Employees About Racism?
What managers should be doing to address racism in the workplace.

How to build an actively anti-racist company
Including calling out racist practices, holding yourself accountable, and defining values.

Networking Organizations and Professional Associations

African American Women in Technology (AAWIT)
Group of networks for African American women employed in or seeking employment in the field of Information Technology (IT).

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
AISES is a national, nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies and careers.

American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE)
AABE provides direct input into the deliberations and developments of energy policies, regulations, emerging technologies, and environmental issues.

Blacks in Technology (BIT)
BIT is a global platform for Black people in technology. We are “Stomping the Divide” by establishing standards for world class technical excellence. BIT serves members through community, media, and mentorship. We provide resources, guidance, and challenge members to establish new standards of innovation.

Information Technology Senior Management Forum
ITSMF increases the representation of black professionals at senior levels in technology, to impact organizational innovation and growth. We do this by developing and nurturing these dynamic leaders through enrichment of the mind, body and soul.

Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR)
HACR is one of the most influential advocacy organizations in the nation representing 14 national Hispanic organizations in the United States and Puerto Rico.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
NACME is the largest provider of college scholarships for underrepresented minorities pursuing degrees at schools of engineering.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
The NAACP is the largest and most pre-eminent civil rights organization in the nation. Our mission is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.

National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC)
NBCC is dedicated to economically empowering and sustaining African American communities through entrepreneurship and capitalistic activity within the United States and via interaction with the Black Diaspora.

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
NSBE is one of the largest student-governed organizations based in the United States. NSBE, founded in 1975, supports and promotes the aspirations of collegiate and pre-collegiate students and technical professionals in engineering and technology.

The Partnership, Inc.
The Partnership makes corporations and institutions more competitive in a global economy by helping them attract, develop, and retain talented multicultural professionals at all levels of leadership. And, by creating a corporate climate that encourages diversity and helps multicultural professionals thrive.

Organization of Black Designers
The Organization of Black Designers is a national professional organization of interior, industrial/product, architectural, fashion, UX, UI and graphic designers dedicated to promoting the visibility, empowerment, education and interaction of its membership and the understanding and value that diverse design perspectives contribute to world culture and commerce.

Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)
The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE) was founded in November 2007 to help Asian heritage scientific and engineering professionals achieve their full potential.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
SHPE is the nation’s largest association dedicated to fostering Hispanic leadership in the STEM field.

Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (Latinos in Science and Engineering)
MAES is the foremost Latinx organization for the development of stem leaders in the academic, executive, and technical communities.

Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
SACNAS is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.


Student Resources’s Guide to Muslim Religious Practices in the Workplace

Overview of Muslim religious practices and the right to observe at work.

Fortune – Best Places To Work

Yearly Fortune article identifying top companies by identity group, company size, industry, location, etc.

EOP’s Diversity and Inclusion Career Center

Equal Opportunity Publications (EOP) offers a premier diversity online job board connecting employers dedicated to hiring a diversified workforce with …

Job search engine for jobseekers from historically under represented identities.

Diversity Jobs Top Employers List

Annual listing of the top “diversity employers” across the US.

America’s Best Employers for Diversity

Use this searchable list to find employers dedicated to workplace diversity by name, state, or industry. Listings are updated each …