Reference List

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Wentworth Institute of Technology
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A reference list includes people who have direct knowledge of your skills, qualifications, and experience. It is provided to an employer upon their request.


  • List 3-5 people as references.
  • References should be from professional and academic experiences only. No personal references.
  • Information for each reference should include name, title, organization, contact information, and relationship to you.

Ask first

  • Ask your references permission before listing them and ensure they will give the employer positive information.
  • Each time you expect your references to be contacted: o Let them know and ask them to return the call promptly, if necessary.
    • Send them a copy of your current resume and a job description of the position for which you are applying.
    • Explain why you are an excellent candidate. Plant the seeds for what you want shared with the employer.

How to

  • Do not send your reference list with your resume (unless requested).
  • Save your reference list as “Your Name References” (ex. Arioch Huntington References) in PDF format.

Thank you

  • Send each reference a thank you note once your job search has concluded.
  • Remember, you might need their help again in the future!
Screenshot of a Microsoft Word documents with a reference list for 'Arioch Huntington.' Each reference includes said reference's name, title, organization name and address, phone number, email and a brief description of the relationship with Arioch Huntington.
  • Use the same header as your resume and cover letter.

  • Create a subtitle that reads “REFERENCES.”

  • Create space between each reference so the descriptions do not get confused.

  • You can write out the full street address or only include the city, state, and zip code.

  • Keep the relationship description short and remember this could potentially be a talking point for when an employer checks your references.

  • Highlight achievements, awards, honors, or promotions if possible when writing the description of your relationship.

Reference Examples

Name (Mr./Ms./Mx. First & Last)



Organization’s Address

Phone # (ext. if necessary)

E-mail address

Brief description of your relationship to this person. This may include in what capacity you have worked with the individual, on what projects detailed on your resume, and for how long.

Ms. Debra Lounsbury

Assistant Professor, Biomedical Engineering Department

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Boston, MA 02115


I was a student in two of Ms. Lounsbury’s courses: Integrated Electronics and Engineering in Biomedicine. She is my academic advisor and have often visited her during office hours for career guidance.

Mr. Brandon Michaels

Director of Manufacturing

Integrated ElectroniX

Boston, MA 02118


Mr. Michaels was my direct supervisor during my spring Co-op with Integrated ElectroniX. Under his direction, I created a 3D model of the Rectus Femoris muscle using SolidWorks, which is now used in training new intern hires.

Mx. Nicky Ruggles

Crew Manager

Trader Joe’s

Cambridge, MA 02139


Mx. Ruggles hired me as a crew member in 2019. I have been promoted twice during my time with Trader Joe’s. They have entrusted me with great responsibilities including training new staff hires, organizing schedules, and managing late night shipments.

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