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Managing Risk: A Solution Engineer’s Guide

Where there’s no risk, there’s no need for expertise. Most of your customers just assume all is well. But when you need to identify, mitigate, and overcome complex risk, you need to seek out the help of a technically trained solution engineer. In this course, learn the ins and outs of risk—your number one opponent—to succeed as a customer-facing solution engineer. Explore the fundamentals of risk, what it is, how it affects solution engineers and your customers, and how it differs from the risk experienced by sales professionals and laypeople. Learn about key considerations such as parachutes, pain points, expert risk modeling, risk management, strategic planning, and more. By the end of this course, you’ll be equipped with highly marketable, cutting-edge skills that you can use to start identifying and vanquishing risk with your customers.

This course was created by Expert Dig. We are pleased to host this training in our library.

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